Tag Archives: food safety

Pasta Safety on National Spaghetti Day

January 4 is National Spaghetti Day! Fill a big bowl, and cover it your favorite sauce, and dig in! But, don’t forget food safety if you have leftovers. Once pasta is cooked and begins to cool, bacteria, called Bacillus cereus, grows quickly and toxins are formed which can cause food illness.

New Year's Traditional Dishes and Food Safety

Black-eyed peas and beans are some of the typical traditional foods served on New Year’s Day and symbolize wealth and are thought to bring luck and prosperity.
But, beans need to be cooked properly or a food illness will occur. Uncooked beans contain a natural protein toxin which is harmful to humans and causes food illness. This toxin is only neutralized by cooking beans at boiling temperature.

Juice Safety for New Year's Detox

A juice cleanse is a tasty way to detoxify your body. But, as beneficial as raw juice may be, the raw produce can contain harmful foodborne bacteria such as E. coli, Salmonella, or Listeria.
There are some important food safety principles and procedures you should follow when making raw juice to prevent food illness.

Eggnog Food Safety Tips

Homemade eggnog is a tradition during the holiday season. But each year, this creamy drink causes cases of Salmonella food illness because of contaminated raw or undercooked eggs. By following simple safe handling and proper cooking practices, you can enjoy delicious, creamy, homemade eggnog without making anyone sick!