Tag Archives: food safety
Food Safety for Camping and Hiking
FAT TOM and Food Safety
Food Safety for World Cup Soccer Parties
Seafood Safety on National Go Fishing Day
National Go Fishing Day is observed annually on June 18 and is the perfect day for anglers to escape from their daily routine – find a stream, a lake, or pond – bait the hook, cast the line, and catch a fish!
Despite its spelling, seafood includes all aquatic animals, both freshwater and ocean creatures. Seafood, as with any food, requires certain safe handling to reducing the risk of foodborne illness.
Introduction to Chemical Food Hazards
Chemical hazard contaminants can occur in food from a variety of sources. The origin of these toxic substances can be drugs, food additives, pesticides, industrial chemicals, environmental pollutants and natural toxins.
Different from biological hazards, which may cause food illness symptoms for a short period of time, the long-term effects of food chemical toxins are of a prime concern.
Introduction to Biological Food Hazards
Biological food hazards are biological agents that can pose a threat to human health and include bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Bacteria and viruses are responsible for most foodborne illnesses and are the biggest threat to food safety.
The most common result of infections from biological agents is gastroenteritis – inflammation of the stomach and small intestine. Also called the “stomach flu”, gastroenteritis is generally acquired through consumption of contaminated food or water, or through direct contact with an object, surface, or person – as a result of poor sanitation and/or hygiene.
Food Safety Observations for Father's Day Dining Out
Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June and is the third most popular day on which to dine out.
When you dine out, you are putting your trust in other food preparers and handlers – so there are several observations to make to ensure that dining out is a pleasure that does not end up with a foodborne illness.
Food Safety for Flooded Areas
World Food Safety Day
The first-ever World Food Safety Day, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, will be celebrated on 7 June 2019 under the theme “Food Safety, everyone’s business”.
The new annual observance will draw attention to stopping the roughly 600 million cases of foodborne illnesses that occur each year – and inspire action to help prevent, detect, and manage foodborne risks – that affect human health, economic prosperity, and sustainable development.