Author Archives: Admin
Holiday Leftover Storage Safety
Food Safety Tips for the Holiday Meal
Dangers of E. Coli and Salmonella in Flour
Food Safety for Holiday Season Steak Tartare
Cooking Stuffing and Food Safety
Stuffing is an excellent medium for bacterial growth – like Salmonella. When cooked inside the turkey, the juices containing bacteria, are absorbed by the stuffing.
The only reliable safe method to cook stuffing, is to cook it separate from the turkey – to a safe minimum internal temperature of 165°F as measured with a food thermometer – so as to kill any bacteria.
Eggnog Food Safety Tips
Homemade eggnog is a tradition during the holiday season. But each year, this creamy drink causes cases of Salmonella food illness because of contaminated raw or undercooked eggs. By following simple safe handling and proper cooking practices, you can enjoy delicious, creamy, homemade eggnog without making anyone sick!
To Wash or Not to Wash – That is the Turkey Food Safety Question
Many people think that washing their turkey will remove bacteria and make it safe. In fact, washing a turkey can transfer harmful bacteria onto the surfaces of your kitchen, other foods, and utensils.
Do not wash your turkey in preparation for cooking on Thanksgiving. Likewise, only cooking the turkey thoroughly to 165°F kills any bacteria.
Holiday Turkey Food Safety Tips
Food Safety for Winter Storm Power Outages
Loss of power from winter storms can compromise the safety of refrigerated food. For example, a refrigerator will keep food cold for about 4hours if the door is kept closed. Knowing how to determine if food is safe and how to keep food safe after a power loss will help reduce the risk of foodborne illness.