Author Archives: Admin
Raw Shellfish Food Safety
Raw shellfish (e.g. oysters, clams, mussels) pose an increased food illness risk – as they are filter feeders and become contaminated when their waters are polluted with raw sewage and bacteria. Always cook shellfish – i.e., by baking, grilling, or broiling – to a minimum internal temperature of 145°F (62.8°C) – as measured with a food thermometer.
Pesticide Residue Dangers and Food Safety
Food Safety for Weather Related Power Outages
Food Safety for National Pizza Day
National Pizza Day is observed annually on February 9th and is a great time to celebrate America’s favorite food. It is also a perfect time to understand safe food principles and practices when it comes to perishable foods. Use the hashtag #NationalPizzaDay on social media to find pizza deals and specials!
Norovirus Infections – How can I stay safe?
Norovirus is a highly contagious virus and the most common viral foodborne illness. Norovirus infection is acquired by consuming produce (fruit and vegetables) irrigated with contaminated water contaminated with human or animal feces – or shellfish farmed or harvested in water contaminated with human sewage.
Because only a few norovirus particles can make people sick, infection can also occur by consuming food handled by a person infected with the virus – or being in direct contact with an object, surface, or person that has been infected.