Author Archives: Admin

Sports Tailgating Food Safety Tips

Making tailgate party plans for the big game? Because tailgate parties are all-day food fests and grilling extravaganzas, they’re is also an increased risk of food illness. Along with the stadium rules, make sure to follow food safety principles and procedures – so you and your friends can enjoy the game rather than becoming ill.

Dangers of Norovirus in Raw Shellfish

Shellfish (oysters, clams, mussels) pose the greatest risk to be contaminated with norovirus. Because shellfish are filter feeders, they become contaminated when their waters are polluted with raw sewage. To ensure proper food safety, raw shellfish must be cooked to an internal temperature of at least 145°F or 15 seconds.

Food Safety for National Pizza Week

National Pizza Week is observed the second full week of January (12-19) – and pays homage to all things pizza, no matter how you slice it. All perishable foods, including pizza, are not safe to eat after sitting at room temperature for hours and cause you to become sick. Learn more about foodborne hazards and the proper techniques to prevent illness.
Also, check out the deals for National Pizza Week.

Raw Milk Dangers

Raw (unpasteurized) milk and milk products can carry dangerous bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, Campylobacter, and others that can pose serious health risks to you and your family.
Listeria is of special concern, because it can cause pregnant women to miscarriage, or create illness, or death of the newborn baby.

Healthy Eating and Food Safety

If eating healthier is one of your new year’s priorities, keep in mind that proper nutrition is not the same thing as having safe food. To ensure your healthy food is safe, always follow proper food safety principles and procedures to also prevent foodborne illness.