Author Archives: Admin

Beach Food Safety Tips

Going to the beach? While preparing for the heat on your body – also plan on the effects of heat on your food.
Foodborne illnesses increase during the summer because not only does bacteria multiply faster in warmer temperatures, but preparing food outdoors makes safe food handling more challenging.

Sandwich Safety for Commuting

Many people may not be aware that sandwiches are high risk food illness items.
Sandwiches can contain perishable foods (those likely to spoil or become unsafe – if not kept refrigerated) or raw vegetables – that if not washed – can harbor dangerous bacteria. Likewise, if sandwiches are not prepared, packed, and stored properly – bacteria growth can occur and cause food illness.

Food Illness Outbreaks Linked to Unregulated Farm Water

Recent food illness outbreaks linked to agricultural water have caused industry experts to question why there are not adequate food safety regulations for where irrigation water sources originate or for agricultural runoff.
Currently, growers aren’t required to test their irrigation water for pathogens – such as E. coli. As a result, contaminated water can end up on fruits and vegetables and can contaminate other water sources.