Category Archives: Food Safety Articles

Cooking Stuffing and Food Safety

Stuffing is an excellent medium for bacterial growth – like Salmonella. When cooked inside the turkey, the juices containing bacteria, are absorbed by the stuffing.
The only reliable safe method to cook stuffing, is to cook it separate from the turkey – to a safe minimum internal temperature of 165°F as measured with a food thermometer – so as to kill any bacteria.

Eggnog Food Safety Tips

Homemade eggnog is a tradition during the holiday season. But each year, this creamy drink causes cases of Salmonella food illness because of contaminated raw or undercooked eggs. By following simple safe handling and proper cooking practices, you can enjoy delicious, creamy, homemade eggnog without making anyone sick!

Child Food Allergies and the Holidays

For parents of a child with food allergies, the holidays can be a stressful time of year. Many holiday foods contain at least one of the top eight allergens, making it difficult to enjoy food.
Follow a few simple food allergy precautions and procedures for children with food allergies to safely enjoy the holidays.